
A li'l bit of this that and that

Sunday, June 11, 2006

flat tyres to hickeys..

The weekend was almost over, sunday evening. (The same gloomy mood in anticipation of going to school the next day, that used to prevail after watching some Ananth Nag/Ramesh movie on DD9 which i so sincerely watched on Sunday evenings as a kid.) Next day's hectic ortho OPD.. Not that we do anything tiring, but then standing for 2-3 long hours and examining patients with low back ache for the twentieth time in a day is definitely not my idea of fun. I was pondering about my unfinished assignment. "Cursing a flat tyre does not fix it" were the words of wisdom for the day on my desk calendar. So I decided I might as well actually write it.

A couple of my friends suddenly had this strong urge to play Scrabble. I put aside my 'tyre fixing' job for a while and joined in. We put on some Blue and mixed ourselves some orange Tang and started off. I already felt better.

I wasn't faring too well. When they were coming up with 'BONNET', 'FORCEPS', 'QUEUE', 'LAX', 'BOXER' (Z and X are ten points each! Plus the double/triple letter scores used to be conveniently around) I was struggling with petty 3-4 lettered words. Thanks to the set of my 7 alphabet squares I kept getting which almost always consisted of vowels and an occasional R or T which again would fetch not more than a point.

My constant companion through adoloscence - acne had made the cosmetically over conscious me, look up the net on a few occasions. Nothing really helps, but I like to be informed. During one of those times I had come across this word.

I got Z-10 I-1 T-1 with Z on a triple letter score. 32! Hurray! I did not win the game, but I didn't come last either. After the squares got over, we were bickering over the purposeful silly totalling errors we had done with each of our scores. The annoying, grim senior next door barged into my room with her ever so knotted face and ordered us to shut our mouths and lower the player volume. Some exam was coming up it seems, little did we care. She banged the door and left. Peals of laughter followed. Another evening fruitfully spent i thought..

PS: Bala and umm.. you don't have a pet name.. I'll just call you CS. Excuse me for the 'tiny' deviations here and there from what actually happened yesterday. Winkie!


  • At 9:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    there she goes again.. this that and that :)

  • At 9:29 AM, Blogger Vibha said…

    hey used to watch only the anant nag and ramesh movies? We used to faithfully watch every movie that was on that channel on sunday.Ambarish, Shivrajkumar, the works>talk about joblessness

  • At 11:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    mmm.. all i can say that.. u reminded me the long gone days.. when i used to play scrable with my friends.... actually good memories that date back to 3-4 th standard..!! thnx... gauri

    u shld thnk me 2 .. for writing sme comments..... (haha)

  • At 5:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i know what all you did to vanish your 'acnes'(if i'm write with the spelling)..but still you are beautiful..

  • At 5:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My Aunt had a "Hickey" on her neck, and the devil in me, knowing what it was, asked her what happened. >:)


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